Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Golden Rule

  The message of the golden rule is how you should live by that, depending on what religion you have. I am not aware of any tv shows or books that express this.I like the Hinduism one the best just because the way it is said. Plus, they're mostly the same.treat others the way you want to be treated.Things would be amazing because there'd be no wars, no discrimination etc.Because it is hard to with everything going on. Someone might be making fun of your skin colour and it's very hard to control yourself and walk away. That's one of the many situations that could happen. Take care!


  1. Hey Karran how have you been. I came here to check out your golden rule.I think you did a good job explaining what the golden rule is.I like the part where you said that there would be no wars or racism if the golden rule was followed by everyone. I think that you could have explained more of how the golden rule could of been made active in everyones lives.But other than that i love your post on the golden rule.

    see ya later
